<html xmlns:wicket="http://wicket.apache.org">
This is a demo of the DataTable (DataView wrapper). Provided features:<br/>
<li>Easy ordering and selection of columns from code</li>
<li>Takes care of sorting headers automatically</li>
<li>Takes care of page navigator automatically</li>
<li>Takes care of adding class="odd" and class="even" to table rows</li>
<li>Adds a navigator message</li>
<li>Different CSS class for certain columns</li>
<li>Export to CSV toolbar</li>
<table class="dataview" cellspacing="0" wicket:id="table">[table]</table>
<span>This is a table that uses <em>org.apache.wicket.extensions.markup.html.repeater.data.table.ColGroup</em>
to style the columns</span>:
<table class="dataview" wicket:id="tableWithColGroup">[table]</table>