Welcome to Repeater View Examples
Selected Contact: No Contact SelectedThis page demonstrates a simple OrderedRepeatingView. You simply add your items to the repeating view and its body markup will be used to render each one in the order added.
Actions | ID | First Name | Last Name | Home Phone | Cell Phone |
select | 1 | Abby | Moore | 461-555-5057 | 728-555-6653 |
select | 28 | Abby | Baker | 376-555-5156 | 325-555-2447 |
select | 8 | Abner | Hall | 461-555-3661 | 851-555-3467 |
select | 30 | Abner | Rose | 657-555-7004 | 203-555-2334 |
select | 45 | Abner | Baker | 310-555-8014 | 828-555-4585 |
select | 3 | Brianna | Baker | 387-555-7631 | 254-555-5324 |
select | 29 | Brianna | Black | 768-555-7216 | 635-555-7621 |
select | 16 | Debra | Black | 260-555-3500 | 528-555-6262 |
select | 13 | Douglas | Nelson | 822-555-8888 | 368-555-3834 |
select | 37 | Douglas | Donahue | 772-555-4746 | 383-555-2054 |