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This example demonstrates the use of ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy implementation of IItemReuseStrategy interface for the dataview. IItemReuseStrategy is responsible for how the child item components of the dataview are recycled between requests. The default strategy simply discards all previous items. The ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy strategy will keep items if the model of the item matches one of the models that is to be displayed in the current request - this allows reuse of items that did not leave the page. This is useful when there is a need to keep state across requests for items that are visible within the page. Notice that when you click the 'toggle highlite' link the item stays highlited until it leaves the page or you click the link again. If the default strategy would have been used instead, the item would not have been highlited because it would have been replaced by a new item and thus would not have known that it should be highlited.

<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >>
Actions ID First Name Last Name Home Phone Cell Phone
select toggle highlite 4 Abby Johnson 587-555-3027 823-555-7243
select toggle highlite 31 Abby Ortiz 240-555-1567 761-555-5144
select toggle highlite 1 Abner Bailey 746-555-8845 586-555-2018
select toggle highlite 20 Brianna Murray 300-555-8814 346-555-7716
select toggle highlite 47 Brianna Jones 350-555-4365 482-555-6335
select toggle highlite 2 Debra Moore 848-555-4785 842-555-2417
select toggle highlite 35 Douglas Brown 268-555-1551 383-555-2403
select toggle highlite 36 Douglas Williams 425-555-1106 688-555-4881