package org.apache.wicket.examples.compref;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.wicket.examples.WicketExamplePage;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.IChoiceRenderer;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.FeedbackPanel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.CompoundPropertyModel;
public class DropDownChoicePage extends WicketExamplePage
private static final List<String> SITES = Arrays.asList("The Server Side", "Java Lobby", "Java.Net");
private static final List<Integer> INTEGERS = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
public DropDownChoicePage()
final Input input = new Input();
setDefaultModel(new CompoundPropertyModel<>(input));
FeedbackPanel feedbackPanel = new FeedbackPanel("feedback");
Form<Void> form = new Form<Void>("form")
protected void onSubmit()
info("input: " + input);
form.add(new DropDownChoice<>("site", SITES));
form.add(new DropDownChoice<>("integer", INTEGERS, new IChoiceRenderer<Integer>()
public Object getDisplayValue(Integer value)
switch (value)
case 1 :
return "One";
case 2 :
return "Two";
case 3 :
return "Three";
default :
throw new IllegalStateException(value + " is not mapped!");
public String getIdValue(Integer object, int index)
return String.valueOf(INTEGERS.get(index));
private static class Input implements IClusterable
public String site;
public Integer integer = INTEGERS.get(0);
public String toString()
return "site = '" + site + "', integer = " + integer;
protected void explain()
String html = "<select wicket:id=\"site\">\n" + " <option>site 1</option>\n"
+ " <option>site 2</option>\n" + "</select>\n" + "<select wicket:id=\"integer\">\n"
+ " <option>Fifty</option>\n" + " <option>Sixty</option>\n" + "</select>";
String code = "/** available sites for selection. */\n"
+ "private static final List SITES = Arrays.asList(new String[] {\"The Server Side\", \"Java Lobby\", \"Java.Net\" });\n"
+ "/** available numbers for selection. */\n"
+ "private static final List INTEGERS = Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { new Integer(1), new Integer(2), new Integer(3) });\n"
+ "\n"
+ "public DropDownChoicePage() {\n"
+ " ...\n"
+ " // Add a dropdown choice component that uses the model object's 'site' property to designate the\n"
+ " // current selection, and that uses the SITES list for the available options.\n"
+ " // Note that when the selection is null, Wicket will lookup a localized string to\n"
+ " // represent this null with key: \"id + '.null'\". In this case, this is 'site.null'\n"
+ " // which can be found in\n"
+ " form.add(new DropDownChoice(\"site\", SITES));\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Allthough the default behavior of displaying the string representations of the choices\n"
+ " // by calling toString on the object might be alright in some cases, you usually want to have\n"
+ " // more control over it. You achieve this by providing an instance of IChoiceRenderer.\n"
+ " // Don't forget to check out the default implementation of IChoiceRenderer, ChoiceRenderer.\n"
+ " form.add(new DropDownChoice(\"integer\", INTEGERS, new IChoiceRenderer() {\n"
+ " // Gets the display value that is visible to the end user.\n"
+ " public String getDisplayValue(Object object) {\n"
+ " ...\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " // Gets the value that is invisble to the end user, and that is used as the selection id.\n"
+ " public String getIdValue(Object object, int index) {\n"
+ " ...\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }));\n" + "}";
add(new ExplainPanel(html, code));