Wicket Remove


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Links are your basic call back mechanism. You can attach links to any element you want. See Link-o-matic for more link examples.

Here is a normal link, attached to an anchor:
this link is clicked 0 times

Same as above, but this time a link that records a state change.
this link is clicked 0 times

And here is a link attached to a button element, with a nested label:

But you could also attach a link to an input/button element, and attach an AttributeModifier to it to display the number of clicks:

Behind the Scenes

Example HTML

<a href="#" wicket:id="link1">this link is clicked <span wicket:id="label1">n</span> times</a>

Example Code

        final Count count1 = new Count(); // simple counter object
        Link link1 = new Link("link1") {
            public void onClick() {
        link1.add(new Label("label1", new Model<String>() {
            public Object getObject() {
                return count1.toString();

Further examples & and comments/explanations may be available in the source code.